QST: Jan PA3EGH is Silent Key since June 2024

We will try to retain this website as long as possible.


Family and friends

Hello, I'll introduce myself. My name is Jan van Ooijen and I am a radio amateur.
My first call was PD0NDA. After the F exam in 1984, this call was replaced by PE1JXS.
In 1986 an exam for morse telegraphy. Then changed my Call to PA3EGH.

My wife Nellie is also radio amateur and her call is PD2NEL.

       Nellie PD2NEL         Ceuse. La Montagne Manteyer.                                 Jan PA3EGH with  WS A510

                           Frankrijk. 2016 M.                                                

                                                                 Click on the picture for enlarge.

Click on the picture for enlarge. And more information.

My Radio room (Shack) and antennas.

Mariniers Verbindingsdienst Reünie 5 juli 2017.

Reunion Marines signaller.

Field days.

Field days

Click to hear Morse code.wav
Wave Audio File 710.0 KB

Fox hunting.

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